Plot - Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z
Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z is a Japanese superhero V-Cinext film serving as the first installment of Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD. In the film, Ryuga Banjo re-adjusts with a newfound normal life as he fights Killbus, the former king of the Blood Tribe.
Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z
Plot Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z
After the forming of the new world following the defeat of Evolto, Sento Kiryu and Ryuga Banjo can be seen in a storage facility recording the last of the story they remember.
After Sento ends the recording, Ryuga has just come up with a name to use instead of “muscled fool” – the Prince of Protein (プロテインの貴公子, Purotein no Kikōshi) – then remarks on how tiring it was to find voice actors for the role of characters like Misora and Evolto.
Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z English sub
Sento notes that they could not ask for voice help from those people who existed in this world because all their memories related to the Pandora Box were erased, including the two of them.
In need of money to stay where they are, Sento has been creating various inventions for Ryuga to sell, the latest of which was a transformation item that could outperform the Cross-Z Dragon, the Spider Type Pet Robo.
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Banjo suggests selling it elsewhere as a weapon, but Sento insists that the new world has no need for Kamen Riders. He gives all the items he developed to Ryuga and makes him leave so he can sell them, or they will get evicted.