Plot - Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan
The fifth Super Sentai installment from Toei is Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan. It is the first Sentai to act as a straight sequel to the one before, Denshi Sentai Denziman, and was initially televised from February 7, 1981, to January 30, 1982.
It was Toei’s final Marvel-licensed series, however Marvel had nothing to do with its creation. It was an air, land, and sea theme.
The series received a 12.5% average rating.
Plot Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan
The Machine Empire’s potential for harm The EPDS (Earth Peace Defence Squad) decides to create the Solar Squadron at a conference due to Black Magma.
Commander Arashiyama assembles three specialists from the Air Force, Navy, and Rangers of the EPDS to create Sun Vulcan. The hard training starts. When Black Magma learns of this, it assaults the EPDS base, but the Sun Vulcan makes its debut in time to save it.
As a result of Hell Saturn’s prayers to the Black Solar God, Queen Hedrian has been restored and has been transformed into a cyborg with a mechanical heart and a metallic afro. But despite Hedrian’s assistance, plot after plot of Black Magma falls flat.
After 01 is killed, a Vader named Amazon Killer from space arrives and obliterates the Sun Vulcan Base. It is created a new Vulcan Base.
Ryuusuke Oowashi, the original Vul-Eagle, is replaced by Takayuki Hiba, a buddy and expert swordsman (who originally debuted on episode 23). The crew successfully repels Black Magma while protecting the nun Himiko, a psychic descendent of the Denzi.
After a short while, Inazuma Ginga appears. Sun Vulcan creates the New Vulcan Ball, but until Inazuma Ginga grows enormous, they are powerless to stop him. Last but not least, the three and their commander travel to the North Pole to save Arashiyama Misa.
Despite the use of a fake Misa to trick them, they are successful in doing so as well as in destroying the Omnipotent God, the real leader of Black Magma, by pretending to submit and striking when it drops its guard.
Good morning love you
Good kid is the one
Good luck on
Kisah I just wanted