Plot - Kamen Rider 555: Murder Case
Kamen Rider 555: Murder Case is an upcoming TTFC-exclusive web series for Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained.
Kamen Rider 555: Murder Case
Also part of Kamen Rider 555’s 20th anniversary, Masato Kusaka is on a case of a murder mystery.
Kamen Rider 555: Murder Case English sub
The suspects are: Takumi Inui (role reprised by Kento Handa), Mari Sonoda, and the other cast members that will appear in the upcoming Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained film.
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Is Takumi Inui responsible for the crime? Or is it Masato Kusaka?
I bet It was Zi-o, since he rewrote history and recreated a new world, meaning Yongou may no longer exist because of Ohma Zi-o’s actions.
They’re definitely from different timeline cause Masato is suppose to be dead right?
faiz continuity and movie takes place after the movie faiz paradise lost not the yongou my guess is yongou takes continuity after faiz show end while this after that movie end(wich is a alternate ending)
who is that guy out from nowhere gave Takumi Faiz belt?
Takumi may look older, why does he looks like an angry dad now?
Must be some sort of Alternate Timeline branch, Unless Kamen Rider Yongou is Uncanon
Cause they never explained how Takumi returned