Plot - Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained
Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained is an upcoming Japanese superhero Tokusatsu V-Cinext film serving to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Kamen Rider 555. In the film, Masato and Mari fight against a new iteration of Smart Brain led by Kitazaki, who begins an operation to exterminate all Orphnochs, with Takumi seemingly working with them for unknown reasons since his disappearance.
Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained
Synopsis Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained
Mari Sonoda heads to Keitaro’s cleaning shop with his nephew Jotaro and meets Naoya and Masato, who has returned. Meanwhile, Smart Brain, which has become a governmental organization, has transformed into a company aiming to annihilate all Orphnoch life, and this operation is led by Kitazaki.
Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained English sub
In order to protect the Orphnochs from extinction, Masato Kusaka fights against Smart Brain’s enforcer, Reina Kurumi. Not only that, she is assisted by none other than Takumi Inui himself, who had disappeared years ago and returned as Kamen Rider NEXT Faiz to spearhead Smart Brain…!
Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained 2024
Mari and the others are confused after being attacked by the new Faiz. Why is Takumi working with Smart Brain? What has he been up to since? Their turbulent reunion marked the beginning of a new story involving Orphnochs and humanity.
Cast Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained
Kamen Rider 555 20th: Paradise Regained
- Takumi Inui (乾 巧, Inui Takumi): Kento Handa (半田 健人, Handa Kento)
- Mari Sonoda (園田 真理, Sonoda Mari): Yuria Haga (芳賀 優里亜, Haga Yuria)
- Masato Kusaka (草加 雅人, Kusaka Masato): Kohei Murakami (村上 幸平, Murakami Kōhei)
- Naoya Kaido (海堂 直也, Kaidō Naoya): Mitsuru Karahashi (唐橋 充, Karahashi Mitsuru)
- Reina Kurumi (胡桃 玲菜, Kurumi Reina): Rumika Fukuda (福田 ルミカ, Fukuda Rumika)
- Jotaro Kikuchi (菊池 条太郎, Kikuchi Jōtarō): Daiji Asakawa (浅川 大治, Asakawa Daiji)
- Smart Lady (スマートレディ, Sumāto Redi): Amane Shindo (進藤 あまね, Shindo Amane)
- Hisao (ヒサオ): Rui Yanagawa (柳川 るい, Yanagawa Rui)
- Kouta (コウタ): Ryunosuke Hashino (土師野 隆之介, Hashino Ryūnosuke)
- Kei (ケイ, Kei): Kanon Matsuzawa (松澤 可苑, Matsuzawa Kanon)
takumi as oji-san looks like rambo
Did know new phone?
yeah dude
THis is SICK
DAMM i watched the old faiz is nothing like the new one
I downloaded the video but instead of raw it was a teaser
Kamen Rider Next Faiz Is So Cool