Plot - Kamen Rider Revice: Hiromi’s Memory
Kamen Rider Revice: Hiromi’s Memory – During the events of Kamen Rider Revice, the amnesiac Hiromi Kadota’s friends make a movie to help him regain his lost enemies. We have to get back our heores memories. We will risk our lives to protect the world.
Kamen Rider Revice: Hiromi’s Memory
Kamen Rider Revice, episode 29 Crank In! Memory of Hiromi!
Kamen Rider Revice: Hiromi’s Memory
The movie is a compilation of 29 episodes, re-edited with the original opening video “liveDevil Demons Special Edit Version”, and additional shooting.
Kamen Rider Revice: Hiromi’s Memory
The “Demons Transformation Lecture” and “Hiromi’s Karizaki Exercise” are also included as extra video extras.