Plot - Kamen Rider X
The third entry in the Kamen Rider Series is the Japanese tokusatsu drama Kamen Rider X (X, Kamen Raid Ekkusu, or “Masked Rider X”). It debuted as the third entry of the Showa Era and ran for 35 episodes on NET (now known as TV Asahi) from February 16, 1974, to October 12, 1974.
On December 5, 2019, a Japanese Blu-ray box set divided into two parts would be released for Kamen Rider X. Box 1 held episodes 1 through 18 of the show, while Box 2 held episodes 19 through 35. The first box set was issued on March 11, 2020, and the second on May 13, 2020. Each box set cost 22,000 yen.
Story Kamen Rider X
Robotics researcher Keitaro Jin and his son Keisuke are drawn into the terror campaign of the terrorist group “G.O.D.” They are ambushed, and the professor’s equipment is taken, but Keitaro is still able to operate on his son before he passes away.
He turns his son into “Kamen Rider X” with the last of his robotics technology. Keisuke uses this technology to combat the monstrous G.O.D. minions as he seeks to avenge the loss of his father and preserve the safety of the entire globe.