Plot - Kamen Rider Blade
The 18th episode of the Kamen Rider Series is the Japanese tokusatsu drama Kamen Rider Blade. The show debuted as the fifth entry of the Heisei Era on January 25, 2004, and aired for 49 episodes until January 23, 2005, airing opposite Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger in TV Asahi’s Super Hero Time block.
The program is the last to utilize 60 frames per second. Kamen Rider Blade has a playing card motif in addition to the series’ usual insect motif, with each rider being given a suit from a deck of cards.
Catchphrases from the series include “Now your power is at its peak.” “Take the trump card of fate!” (Unmei no kirifuda o tsukamitore!) and “Ima, sono chikara ga tenkai suru” are examples.
The series received a 7.9% average rating.
Story Kamen Rider Blade
Fifty-two undead demons known as the Undead engaged in a great combat royal called the combat Fight ten thousand years ago, each representing a species vying for supremacy over the others.
The Human Undead, also known as Category Two of Hearts, claimed victory and granted humans reign over the planet. Archaeologists unearth the trapped Undead in the present and unintentionally release them. A new Battle Fight starts as a result.
In order to seal humans from Undead, Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana fight as Kamen Rider Blade and Kamen Rider Garren, respectively.
The Rider System was created by the BOARD (Board Of Archaeological Research Department) based on the Joker’s ability to copy sealed Undead. The mysterious Chalice, a Kamen Rider whose function is unknown, is also engaged in combat with the Undead. In addition, a young man battling as Kamen Rider Leangle strives to break free from the grip of the sealed Undead powering his own Undead-made Rider System.