Plot - Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special is a special for Kamen Rider Zero-One focusing on Isamu Fuwa/Kamen Rider Vulcan and Yua Yaiba/Kamen Rider Valkyrie.
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special
Synopsis Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special
Fuwa has been told that his true past, the one that hadn’t been falsified, has been “boring and uninteresting”, as Yua overhears and notices that Fuwa cannot hide the look of disappointment on his face.
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Shooting Special English sub
“You are Vulcan! Engrave it in your head!” In order to regain his confidence, Isamu Fuwa looks back at his life and battles as a Kamen Rider! However, this plan of his starts to head in an unexpected direction…!
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