Plot - Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
The 28th season of Super Sentai is titled Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, which roughly translates to Special Investigation Squadron Detective Ranger in English. (Deka is Japanese colloquial slang for “detective” and has no direct translation, but is occasionally written over the kanji for “Keiji” – a more formal term for detective; it is also a Greek prefix “deca”, meaning “ten”, and a total of ten Dekarangers appear in the series and movie combined). It joined Super Hero Time and Kamen Rider Blade.
The South Korean version of Dekaranger, also known as Power Rangers S.P.D. (S.P.D. Pawoleinjeo S.P.D. ), also used the show’s footage to produce the American television series Power Rangers S.P.D., which bears the same name.
Following the conclusion of their original Japanese transmission, this started a steady run of Korean-dubbed Super Sentai series under the Power Rangers banner, albeit they weren’t usually named after their American counterparts.
On February 14, 2023, Shout! Factory released Dekaranger on DVD in North America.
The series received a 7.1% average rating.
This is so goat
Where the 20th fireball booster
Super sentil
Hello, Admin I would like to ask are you going to include the movies as well in your website because I would really like to watch all the super sentai movies and I notice some of the other super sentai shows can’t play their videos unless you reload the site I would really like to watch the series in other pixels as well like 1080, 1240 and 1440 thank you.
Yes, I will update in the near future. Please wait! But the maximum resolution is 1080p, I can’t upload a higher version because it’s too heavy.
I see understood thank you very much.
I understand thank you very much for the effort you and your team put in doing this for us as well since you are a fan of super sentai too. To be able to watch the super sentai subbed and I’ll wait for the updates no worry.
Episode 49 won’t play
Admin! Episode 30 is down. Please help!
Episode 23 is down
Thank you
episode 9 is down