B-Robo Kabutack

B-Robo Kabutack (ビーロボカブタック, Bī Robo Kabutakku, Beetle Robo Kabutack) is a Japanese television series and is the sixteenth series as part of Toei’s Metal Hero Series franchise of tokusatsu programs.

It aired from February 23, 1997, to March 1, 1998. It is the first of shows made by Toei in the Metal Hero Series that was aimed at children. It aired alongside Denji Sentai Megaranger on TV Asahi.

Kabutack bears some similarities with Robocon, as well as other Toei series, particularly in characters and themes.— Wikipedia

Overview - B-Robo Kabutack

B-Robo Kabutack
TitleB-Robo Kabutack
CategoryMetal Hero
Original releaseFebruary 23, 1997 – March 1, 1998
Running time24–25 min. (per episode)
Final episodeEpisode 52 (Complete English Sub)
Previous SeriesB-Fighter Kabuto (50/50 episodes)
Next SeriesTetsuwan Tantei Robotack (45/45 episodes)

Plot - B-Robo Kabutack

The sixteenth installment of the Metal Hero Series of tokusatsu shows produced by Toei Company is the Japanese television program B-Robo Kabutack. From February 23, 1997, until March 1, 1998, it was broadcast.

It is the first of Toei’s line of kid-friendly Metal Hero Series television programs. Takeshi Kusao, who provided the voice for the character Kabutack, sang the song “Noble Honest Kabutack” (, Kiyoku Tadashiku Kabutakku), which serves as the film’s opening theme.

As the B-Fighters appear in the series, the show is something of a sequel to B-Fighter Kabuto. Along with Denji Sentai Megaranger, it aired

Plot B-Robo Kabutack

The oldest stratum of the earth’s crust was excavated by the eccentric genius Dr. Torahiko Koenji. After translating the texts, he discovered that there were 13 “Star Pieces” that had been buried all across the earth. Any wish may be fulfilled if someone managed to collect all the Star Pieces. In order to find the Star Pieces, Dr. Koenji created search robots known as “B-robots”. However, a trio of these robots, lead by Cobrander, activated before their sleep-education program was finished, and as a result, they began to conduct wrongdoing throughout the village.

Fortunately, a group of three “good” B-robots had successfully finished the entire sleep-learning program and had become friends with Yuzuru Koenji, Dr. Koenji’s grandson. The three “good” B-robots and the gang start their hunt for the “Star Pieces” with the help of Yuzuru, his companions Sayuri Mitaka and Kuranosuke Kichijouji, while overcoming the transgressions of the three “bad” B-robots.

B-Robo Kabutack

B-Robo Kabutack

Episode Guide- B-Robo Kabutack

List EpisodesRelease DateName
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 1February 23, 1997Pleased to Meet You, Kabu!
(よろしくカブー!, Yoroshiku Kabū!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 2March 2, 1997Let a Miracle Happen, Kabu
(メークドラマだカブ, Mēku Dorama da Kabu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 3March 9, 1997Devoted Cuisine, Kabu
(料理はまごころカブ, Ryōri wa Magokoro Kabu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 4Umeboshi One-Armed Shoulder Throw!!
(ウメ星一本背負い!!, Umeboshi Ippon Zeoi!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 5Tracking!! Drunken Tire
(追跡!!酒飲みタイヤ, Tsuiseki!! Sakenomi Taiya)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 6Fickled Detective Kabutack
(浮気探偵カブタック, Uwaki Tantei Kabutakku)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 7The Cursed Time of Weakness
(弱り目にタタリじゃ, Yowarime ni Tatari ja)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 8Blessed Red Postbox
(幸せの赤いポスト, Shiawase no Akai Posuto)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 9Right This Instant!!
(飛びますトビマス!!, Tobimasu Tobimasu!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 10The Monster That Disappears With the Sunset
(夕陽に消える怪獣, Yūhi ni Kieru Kaijū)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 11The May Koinobori Tournament!!
(鯉のぼり五月場所!!, Koinobori Gogatsu Basho!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 12A Cleaning Pair
(お掃除ふたりぼっち, Osōji Futari Botchi)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 13Iron Fist of Indisputable Anger
(問答無用怒りの鉄拳, Mondō Muyō Ikari no Tekken)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 14Deliver to the Stars, My First Love
(星に届けボクの初恋, Hoshi ni Todoke Boku no Hatsukoi)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 15Mystery of the Riddle Mummy
(なぞなぞミイラの謎, Nazonazo Miira no Nazo)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 16Tasty Companion's New Appearance
(美味しい仲間新登場, Oishii Nakama Shin Tōjō)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 17100 Rounds of Sparring of Friendship!!
(友情の百人組手!!, Yūjō no Hyakunin Kumite!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 18The Great Prediction of the Annoying Doctor
(迷惑博士の大予言, Meiwaku Hakase no Dai Yogen)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 19Infiltration!! Dancer Boy Party
(潜入!!踊り子少年隊, Sennyū!! Odoriko Shōnen Tai)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 20Companion Crack Serious Game!!
(仲間割れ真剣勝負!!, Nakama Ware Shinken Shōbu!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 21The Snail That Falls in Love
(恋するかたつむり, Koisuru Katatsumuri)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 22Swimsuit Attack Number One
(水着でアタックNO. 1, Mizugi de Atakku Nanbā Wan)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 23Aim For the Ace of Flames
(炎のエースをねらえ, Honō no Ēsu o Nerae)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 24Papa's Foolish Fishing Diary
(パパの釣りバカ日誌, Papa no Tsuri Baka Nisshi)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 25The Power of the Silent Running Man
(男は黙って全力疾走, Otoko wa Damatte Zenryoku Shissō)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 26The Ghost Likes Watermelons
(幽霊はスイカ好き, Yūrei wa Suika Zuki)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 27The Assignment Is Gang Suppression
(宿題はギャング退治, Shukudai wa Gyangu Taiji)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 28Shark Robot's Tooth of Life!?
(サメロボは歯が命!?, Same Robo wa Ha ga Inochi!?)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 29The Release of the Mystery of the B-Robots
(大公開ビーロボの謎, Dai Kōkai Bī Robo no Nazo)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 30String Out! A New Finisher!!
(飛び出せ新必殺技!!, Tobidase Shin Hissatsuwaza!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 31Invasion!! Big Jaws
(襲来!!巨大ジョーズ, Shūrai!! Kyodai Jōzu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 32Amazing! Giant Confrontation
(凄いぞ!!ドデカ対決, Sugoi zo!! Dodeka Taiketsu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 33All-Inclusive Ripening!! Red Judgment Soul
(完熟!!赤い審判魂, Kanjuku!! Akai Shinpan Damashii)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 34Ogre Baba Pulling Out of Love
(愛情の鬼ババ抜き, Aijō no Oni Baba Nuki)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 35B-Robot's Great Fall Game
(秋のビーロボ大運動会, Aki no Bī Robo Dai Undōkai)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 36The Song of Battle!! Everyone Is Gathering
(歌合戦だ!!全員集合, Uta Gassen da!! Zenin Shūgō)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 37Brilliant Inference!! The Secret Of K.T.
(名推理!!KTの秘密, Mei Suiri!! Kē Tī no Himitsu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 38Reckless Driving!! Labour Appreciation Day
(暴走!!勤労感謝の日, Bōsō!! Kinrō Kansha no Hi)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 39Technique of the Frog's Patient Hibernation Method
(カエル忍法冬眠の術, Kaeru Ninpō Tōmin no Jutsu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 40Retribution Golf Showdown
(抱腹絶倒ゴルフ対決, Hōfuku Zettō Gorufu Taiketsu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 41Impersonator Kabutack's Appearance
(偽者カブタック出現, Nisemono Kabutakku Shutsugen)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 42The Peking Man Panic!!
(北京原人パニック!!, Pekin Genjin Panikku!!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 43Lucky Pulling Technique of the Girl
(お嬢の福引き必勝法, Ojō no Fukubiki Hisshōhō)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 44Celebration!! The New Year Kite Lifting World Cup
(祝!!新春凧あげW杯(ワールドカップ), Shuku!! Shinshun Takoage Wārudo Kappu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 45Human Feelings Time Slip
(人情タイムスリップ, Ninjō Taimu Surippu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 46Fighting Illness Last Demon Revolution
(闘病トベマセンカイ, Tōbyō Tobemasenkai)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 47Difficult Problem Strange Question Cult Quiz
(難問奇問カルトクイズ, Nanmon Kimon Karuto Kuizu)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 48Calling Luck to Suppress the Red Ogre
(福を呼ぶ赤鬼退治, Fuku o Yobu Akaoni Taiji)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 49Tokyo University Straight Over the Line!
(譲の東大一直線!, Yuzuru no Tōdai Itchokusen!)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 50Chocolate-Guy of the Pure-heart
(チョコは男の純情, Choko wa Otoko no Junjō)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 51The Judge Robot's Unexpected True Identity
(審判ロボ意外な正体, Shinpan Robo Igai na Shōtai)
B-Robo Kabutack Episode 52If There's Friendship in Your Heart
(心に友情あるかぎり, Kokoro ni Yūjō Aru Kagiri)

B-Robo Kabutack - Episode 1

Episode 2
Let a Miracle Happen, Kabu
(メークドラマだカブ, Mēku Dorama da Kabu)
B-Robo Kabutack - Episode 1 is English subtitled by DSK Subs
Watch B-Robo Kabutack on Kajzu.com, our alternative site in case of any technical difficulties.

COMMENT - B-Robo Kabutack

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1 year ago

Will the 50 remaining episodes of Kabutack and Robotack eventually be subtitled?